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에피소드1-2(Desperate Housewives )

by 레벨업 2021. 4. 10.




1. 영어자막

Of course, she didn't cook much while

she was moving up the corporate ladder.

e didn't have the time.

But when her doctor announced

Lynette was pregnant,

her husband Tom had an idea.

"Why not quit your job?

"Kids do better with stay-at-home moms.

It would be so much less stressful."

But this was not the case.

In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic,

she was now forced to get her fried

chicken from a fast-food restaurant.

Lynette would have appreciated the irony

if she stopped to think about it,

but she couldn't.

She didn't have the time.

- Stop it!

- But, mom!


you are going to behave today.

I am not going to be humiliated

in front of the entire neighborhood.

And just so you know how serious I am...

what's that?

Santa's cell phone number.

How'd you get that?

I know someone who knows someone

who knows an elf,

and if any of you acts up,

so help me, I will call Santa,

and I will tell him you want

socks for Christmas.

You willing to risk that?

Okay. Let's get this over with.

Gabrielle Solis,

who lives down the block,

brought a spicy paella.

Since her modeling days in New York,

Gabrielle had developed

a taste for rich food...

and rich men.

Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions,

proposed on their third date.

Gabrielle was touched

when tears welled up in his eyes, but she soon discovered this happened

every time Carlos closed the big deal.

Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot.

However, her relationship with her

husband was considerably cooler.







2. Narration + 영어자막

(Flashback to: LYNETTE talking animatedly in a conference room as she points at a projected screen with charts and figures, a room full of corporate businesspeople taking notes or watching as she shows her presentation, smiling with confidence.)

NARRATOR: Of course, she didn't cook much as she was moving up the corporate ladder. She didn't have the time.

(Fade to: The doctor's office, where he performs a sonogram on LYNETTE's exposed belly, as LYNETTE lies in a chair watching the screen, laughing with excitement. Her husband, TOM, sits next to her as he watches with amazement at the sonogram, holding LYNETTE's hand.)


NARRATOR: But when her doctor announced Lynette was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea. Why not quit your job? Kids do much better with stay at home mums; it was so much less stressful.

(We see TOM gesturing, talking animatedly as he proposes this idea to LYNETTE, who nods hesitantly in agreement as she looks at him.)

NARRATOR: But this was not the case.
(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

(LYNETTE pushes a baby carriage with her free hand, looking weary. The SCAVO children, Twins PRESTON & PORTER, and the younger brother PARKER, jostles each other as they walk on the sidewalk in front of the carriage, bickering rowdily with each other.)

NARRATOR: In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic she was now forced to get her chicken from a fast food restaurant. Lynette would have appreciated the irony of it if she stopped to think about it, but she couldn't. She didn't have the time.

(LYNETTE pushes in front of the 3 boys, trying to separate them.)
LYNETTE: Hey, hey, hey, hey!
(She kneels in front of them with a stern look on her face.)
LYNETTE: Stop it, stop it, stop it. Stop it.

LYNETTE: No, you are going to behave today. I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neighbourhood. And, just so you know how serious I am... (reaches inside her top and pulls a folded piece of paper from her pocket)
PRESTON: What's that?
LYNETTE: Santa's cell-phone number.
PORTER: How'd you get that?

LYNETTE: I know someone, who knows someone, who knows an elf. And if anyone of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas. You willing to risk that?

SCAVO kids: Uh-uh! (all shake their heads vehemently)
(She tucks the paper back in her pocket, and straightens.)

LYNETTE: Let's get this over with.
(The camera pans across the road.)

(CARLOS stands outside, hands in his pocket, turning his head to see GABRIELLE come out of the front door, holding a plate in one hand and a bag in the other. She wears a black halter neck dress, black high heels and an expensive diamond necklace. )


NARRATOR: Gabrielle Solis, who lives down the block, brought a spicy paella.
(Flashback to: GABRIELLE, strutting down a runway, wearing a pink dress as she models, the crowd is clapping and many cameras are flashing. The camera pans to CARLOS sitting in the audience.)

NARRATOR: Since her modelling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food and rich men. Carlos, who worked in mergers and acquisitions, proposed on their third date. Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes.

(Flash to: GABRIELLE and CARLOS, sitting in a restaurant. CARLOS holds out a ring as GABRIELLE gasps, excitedly hopping up and down in her chair as she agrees, smiling and laughing. We see the gleam of CARLOS'tears of happiness as he smiles at her.)

NARRATOR: But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal.
(End of flashback. Resume to present.)

(GABRIELLE walks down the pathway to where CARLOS is waiting, and hands him the plate.
They start walking together towards the YOUNG house.)

NARRATOR: Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot. However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.


3. 설명


# (Flashback to: LYNETTE talking animatedly in a conference room as she points at a projected screen with charts and figures,
* animatedly [ǽnəmèitidly]생기가 넘치게 , 활발하게 = in an animated manner


# (Fade to: The doctor's office, where he performs a sonogram on LYNETTE's exposed belly
* sonogram 초음파 = an image of a structure that is produced by ultrasonography (reflections of high-frequency sound waves); used to observe fetal growth or to study bodily organs
Ex) The sonogram has shown that the baby is a boy. 초음파 검사 결과 아기가 사내아이래요


# (LYNETTE pushes a baby carriage with her free hand, looking weary. The SCAVO children, Twins PRESTON & PORTER, and the younger brother PARKER, jostles each other as they walk on the sidewalk in front of the carriage, bickering rowdily with each other.)
* weary [wíəri] 피곤한(tired), 지친, 기진맥진한
= physically and mentally fatigued[SYN. aweary]
Ex) become weary; feel languor; be bored; have a tired feeling 권태를 느끼다

* jostle [dʒɑ́sl][ 다투다, 겨루다(compete) = make one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving
Ex) jostle one another 서로 밀치다

* bicker : (사소한 일로) 말다툼하다(quarrel) = (사소한 일로) 말다툼하다(quarrel)
Ex) I don't want to bicker over this with you. 이런 일로 너랑 얼굴 붉히고 싶지 않다.

* rowdy : [ráudi][ <사람·행위가> 난폭한, 싸움을 좋아하는; 떠들썩한
Ex) the crowd got drunk and started to behave rowdily


# NARRATOR: In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic 르넷의 삶은 분주히 바빴다


# (She kneels in front of them with a stern look on her face.)
* stern 엄격한, 단호한 of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect


# LYNETTE: No, you are going to behave today 너는 오늘 예의있게 행동해라


# LYNETTE: I know someone, who knows someone, who knows an elf. And if anyone of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas. You willing to risk that? 너 그것을 감수할래?


# (all shake their heads vehemently)
* vehement : [víːəmənt][ 《문어》 격렬한, 맹위를 떨치는, 맹렬한 열렬한, 열정적인(passionate)
marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
ex) in the face of vehement opposition 강력한 반대에 직면하여


# She wears a black halter neck dress, black high heels and an expensive diamond necklace.
* halter 홀터 《팔과 등이 드러나는 여성용 운동복·드레스》
a woman's top that fastens behind the back and neck leaving the back and arms uncovered


# NARRATOR: Gabrielle Solis, who lives down the block, brought a spicy paella.
* paella [pɑːéiljə, pɑːjélə] 파엘랴 《쌀·고기·어패류·야채를 스페인식으로 찐 밥》; 그것을 만드는 큰 냄비



# (Flashback to: GABRIELLE, strutting down a runway, wearing a pink dress as she models
* strut 《strut+부》 strut about[along] 어깨를 으쓱거리며 걷다
<옷 등을> 뽐내며 자랑해 보이다, 과시하다
= to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others
Ex) strut one's stuff 《미·속어》 (복장·솜씨 등에서) 과시하다



4.  오늘의 주유표현


animatedly  생기가 넘치게

sonogram 초음파

weary 지친

jostles  다투다

bricker  말다툼하다

rowdily  난폭한

Lynette's life had become so hectic 르넷의 삶은 분주히 바빴다

stern  엄격한

You are going to behave today   너희들 오늘 예의있게 행동해라

You are willing to rist that?  너 그것을 감수할꺼야?

vehemently   강렬히

halter  팔과 등이 드러나는 여성용 운동복이나 드레스

Paella  파엘랴

strut   <옷 등을> 뽐내며 과시하다



위기주부 영어한글통합자막 1-1002.jpg


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저에게 큰 힘이 됩니다. ~^^
